What is Remotely Sketchy?

Sketch Comedy at a Distance

As we are all aware, the Pandemic has created challenges for everyone in all kinds of contexts from how to stay stocked up on basics like food and toilet paper, maintaining connections with friends and family and keeping everyone safe to keeping businesses afloat, navigating new rules and obstacles, and especially making and enjoying performance art.

Luckily, this crisis has also come at a time when the technology to connect and interact over The Internet has never been more robust. We live in a world of interconnection, and the need to find creative solutions has brought together creative people all over the world who have found that hidden within the struggle are new opportunities to innovate, collaborate, and make art in ways that have never been done before.

Remotely Sketchy is founded by Ann Van Haney, and is growing platform for creative performers anywhere to connect and create. Beginning with a few short films, made at home, Remotely Sketchy is prepared to bring in more talent, more innovations, and follow the ideas wherever they will lead.